Saturday, April 25, 2009

Bailey is Two!

Bailey has just turned two! I can't believe how fast she has grown. She is full of life. She loves being active. When you go to put her on the ground she has her legs running before they even touch the ground. She has two speeds, fast and sleep. Her new trick is to run to you and say 'fast' then she will run somewhere and come back so she can show you how fast she is. She also thinks that she is a lot older than she is. She follows the older kids on the playground and does everything that they do. It really scares me sometimes.
She really likes to watch Dora. When you ask her to say 'Swiper no swiping' she just say 'oh man!' She is starting to talk more. It has been so nice. She can say everyone's name, but for some reason she has a hard time saying Kimber, so she says Bimber. It is really cute.

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